English translation for "unrealized loss"
- 浮亏
未实付损失 未实现损失
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | At this point , client x has an unrealized loss of usd 200 and still has the equivalent of usd 880 , 000 of available margin on the market 此时,他的最高亏损风险是400美元而他的保证金运用率是10 %远离1 %的最低保证金限度。 | | 2. | Unrealized loss recognized when market value of long - term investments below their costs under the lower of cost or market valuation method 指长期股权投资采成本与市价孰低法评价,当总市价较总成本为低,所认列之未实现跌价损失。 | | 3. | Investment loss of a non - investment company , engaged in short - term or long - term investments , including unrealized loss on investments based on the lower of cost - or - market method , and loss recognized when making long - term investments , under the equity method based on the investor ' s percentage of ownership in the investee company ' s current period net losses 凡非以投资为业之公司,因从事短期及长期投资,在按成本与市价孰低法评价时所认列之未实现跌价损失,或从事长期投资,在依权益法按持股比例认列被投资公司本期亏损时所认列之投资损失属之。 |
- Similar Words:
- "unrealized holding gain" English translation, "unrealized holding gain or loss" English translation, "unrealized holding gains or losses" English translation, "unrealized income" English translation, "unrealized increment per appraisal" English translation, "unrealized profit" English translation, "unrealized profit in ending inventory" English translation, "unrealized profits" English translation, "unrealized revenue" English translation, "unrealized revenue,accrued revenue" English translation